Join one of the fastest-growing Netball clubs around!
Pakuranga United Netball Club has grown from strength to strength in recent years and has Junior, College and Senior sides. Join us now!!
$230 Inclusive of Fees, Dress Hire & Umpire
Fees Breakdown
$175 Registration Fee, $30 Dress Hire, $25 Umpire Fee
06-0222-0004613-00 with players name as the reference.
Please get in touch with admin if you need to arrange a payment plan
$245 Inclusive of Fees, Dress Hire & Umpire
Fees Breakdown
$185 Registration Fee, $30 Dress Hire, $30 Umpire Fee
06-0222-0004613-00 with players name as the reference.
Please get in touch with admin if you need to arrange a payment plan
$270 Inclusive of Fees, Dress Hire & Umpire
Fees Breakdown
$205 Registration Fee, $30 Dress Hire, $35 Umpire Fee
06-0222-0004613-00 with players name as the reference.
Please get in touch with admin if you need to arrange a payment plan
Muster Dates 2024
Saturday 24th Feb:
Years 5&6 - 8:30 to 9:30am
Years 7&8 - 10 to 11:30am
College - 12 to 2pm
Sunday 25th Feb:
College - 12 to 2pm
Tuesday 5th March:
College - 6 to 7:30pm
Pre-Season Tournament
Saturday 6th April (all grades)
Grading Game Dates - 3 Weeks
Years 5 & 6 - Friday 3rd May, Saturday 11th & 18th May
Junior (Years 7 & 8) + College & Senior - Saturday 4th, 11th & 18th May
Competition Games Dates - 6 Weeks
Grading Round: Saturday 25th May - Saturday 20th July
Championship Rounds - 5 Weeks
Saturday 27th July - Saturday 24th August
No Play Dates
Saturday 1st June - King's Birthday
Saturday 29th June - Matariki
Saturday 6th & Saturday 13th July - School Holidays
HPNC Prizegiving
Saturday 24th August - Years 5 to 8
Wednesday 11th September - College & Senior
PUNC Prizegiving
Saturday 31st August